
Hello, everybody who follows me! I will be out of commission for a while! I recently had a pulmonary embolism in my lungs. I don’t know when I’ll be back to right but I will come back eventually. Thank you for all your support! Love, Mariah .


@MarKar92 Oh my. I rlly hope your lungs recover soon. Take good care. Love, random follower!


Hello, everybody who follows me! I will be out of commission for a while! I recently had a pulmonary embolism in my lungs. I don’t know when I’ll be back to right but I will come back eventually. Thank you for all your support! Love, Mariah .


@MarKar92 Oh my. I rlly hope your lungs recover soon. Take good care. Love, random follower!


I took a writing hiatus, but now I'm back and ready to hunker down for the long haul! Thanks for everyone who has been reading my books. I look forward to coming out of hibernation to bring about some worthwhile writing and also complete some of the stories I just want to get over with it. Let's face it, writing is not easy, and sometimes we write things we think will be amazing and they end up as failures. But I figure if I just keep on writing good things will eventually happen! Thanks for your support everyone! 


It's really tough, having to FaceTime my kids on the nights when I'm working the double shift. I have to keep in mind that eventually I won't have to work two jobs, and spend my free time trying to write. I'm really grateful to be able to escape from life for just a little. 


@MarKar92 Oh wow, that's tough.. still keep writing however possible. Even if you don't write somedays  just don't give up on the ideas you have.


@MarKar92 its hard being away from your kids fullstop!  My only consolation is I dont have to scrape and save like I did, when I wasnt working     


Hey everyone this book has gone way past my goals. I wrote it out of boredom and as an experiment to see if people would like it. Thanks for all the support. I'm so grateful to have you all with me for this journey!!! Thanks again readers!


@Jovarae1 thanks so much for your support! I will 


@MarKar92 lmao  well if thats the secret, keep writing ❤   i really enjoyed reading this story


Hey Guys! It's been so long since I've been on Wattpad but I promise My hiatus is over. I'm so grateful to everyone for reading my book! Thank you so much for all your support. I will be working on it's sequel as much as I can. I can't say thank you enough!! But Thank you for supporting my dreams. I've been busy with 2 jobs and 2 kids but I'm going to write 2 times a week, more if I can. Seriously you guys make it worth every minute I spent writing this story