
Everyone, I finished writing my story Diamonds In The Attic! This is a story I have been in the works of since my freshman year of high school. It's taken me almost half a decade to write this story but I finally finished it. 
          	It's sweet, subtle, heartfelt, meaningful, and a pretty good read. It's nothing special compared to my previous books such as The Things That Will Be necessarily, but it does come from the heart and at the end of the day...isn't that what matters? I hope you enjoy this story and have a great day. 
          	Link to the story:


Everyone, I finished writing my story Diamonds In The Attic! This is a story I have been in the works of since my freshman year of high school. It's taken me almost half a decade to write this story but I finally finished it. 
          It's sweet, subtle, heartfelt, meaningful, and a pretty good read. It's nothing special compared to my previous books such as The Things That Will Be necessarily, but it does come from the heart and at the end of the day...isn't that what matters? I hope you enjoy this story and have a great day. 
          Link to the story:


Hey everyone, I just finished my story Cul-de-sac which was such an interesting one to do. I hope you all enjoy the book and let me know what you think down below. Here's the link:

          And if you want to hear the 45 tracklist soundtrack I made, the link is right here:



Well, hello fellow readers! I am psyched to announce that my follow up book to Dreamaster entitled Dreamaster 2: The Nightmare Continues is finally finished!
          For years I have raised and nourished the story of Dreamaster ever since 7th grade. It has been probably my favorite book to date. 
          And after I finished Dreamaster, I had toyed with the idea of writing a sequel. I attempted it at one point but stopped as I didn't like the way it went. It was too silly and went along the lines of Leprechaun 3 which I had been obsessed with at the time. (Leprechaun 3 is my favorite Leprechaun film by the way)
          But, after I had saw the new Scream film (I will still call it Scream 5) it donned on me that I was going to make a sequel to Dreamaster. And I was going to do my best to make this one hit home. And for the most part, I'm sure I did. 
          I wanted to write a story that not only was graphic and violent, but also heartwarming and thereapeutic. I wanted it to feel like you had a connection to these characters. I wanted you to read the book and feel like the characters were giving advice to you rather than to the characters. 
          I had been going through my own personal demons at the time and needed something to vent through. I had had some family problems and needed an outlet, this book was exactly that. 
          I'm proud of what I have accomplished with this sequel and believe it to be perhaps better than its predecessor. I think the characters are more lovable and that you want them all to live. You do not want any of them to die. So when they do, it hurts like a motherfucker lol. 
          So that is what I did with Dreamaster 2. I hope you enjoy the book and let me know what you think. As for the Dreamaster tale, this is the final novel. There may be references to it in my other books and some characters may appear in some of my future work but as for the progression of Dreamaster and his evil doings, this is his last. 


Here is the remainder of the message I didn't get to add on here as it was too long:
            As much as I love Dreamaster, I think it is time to let him go. You can't keep milking something until it is all gone. I don't want to do that. If I keep milking this story, eventually it will go bad and it will lose its charm. So, hopefully it makes sense that I close this chapter of my writing right here. 
            Let me know what you think of Dreamaster 2 and which soundtrack is the most kickass? Personally, I think the soundtrack to Dreamaster 2 is more kickass but others might think the first one is better. That is up for you to decide. Thanks for enjoying my work and I am sure to add more of my stories here soon. Already have at least 3 more books on my plate to upload here as well as some others that I need to finish on here. I will get to them shortly. Have a nice Thursday or whatever day it is that you are reading this and as always #STAYMETALMYDUDES