
Hello, Mazariua. Something has come up and I don't want you to think that you did anything. I have to go out of country for a couple of months to take care of some family business. Like, normally this would not really be a problem since I go out to Colorado to tutor my cousins, but this time it is far more complicated and I will have to put my full attention onto this. Sadly, I am going to have to put the project on hold until I return. As much as this sucks I can't say no to this without dishonoring myself because of my morals. I wish that I could have worked on this during summer, but this is one of those intervals of fate and you just have to do it. I'll let the others know about this and hopefully we can get this kicked off wonderfully when I come back.


Hey Mazariua, I have found out how to change my name on this and want to put my actually username (I made a mistake with what name I wanted shown). The username I had meant to put is Dark Writer 316. Do you think I should keep my name the way it is or is the actually name better?


Dear Mazariua,
          It's me, Damon. I have thought of a great story to write and I am recruiting others based on how good their works are. Since you and I seem to be well aquainted, I figured that this would be a good way to pool our talents and become well recognized. You are the second one that I have recruited for this and there will be 8 others for this story. I hope to you hear from you soon Love! :)
          -Damon the Demon.