
Thank you for all ur support and thank u for 127 followers tbh I didn’t expect for this to happen but I hope u enjoy the books 


Hi author. I'm sorry for posting here without permission but I was wondering if you're interested in a vote for vote and follow for follow. I will follow you and vote on all your books and will you please do the same?


It’s okay, I’ll shall vote and follow


I’m really sorry I haven’t posted but thx for the 99 followers :D again I am sorry 


Thank u I really need this bc at the moment I’ve been really stressed and then I’m trying to create something when I can’t, again thank u so much


It’s okay to take your time! Congrats on 99 followers:]


Hey guys, sorry for not posting I’ve been busy with writing a new book called if yui komori had siblings, if some of you don’t know who yui komori is she is basically the main character in diabolik lovers, so I had a few ideas when watching a reacting video of diabolik lovers so I was like let’s just start typing these ideas over wise I’ll forget all the ideas but I actually didn’t the ideas I had for this new book 
          Have a good day 


@Noijamieshadeblack0 lets uhh discover my fetish-


For the if Shu was trans book I’m gonna try to make it longer so yeah I do hope you guys enjoy it, I’m not the best at writing but I do try but i manly and hopefully will enjoy some of the exam test when September comes I am really excited for the English test bc I absolutely love English and I want to keep writing books like these so I hope y’all like the books I make and enjoy them. 
          I hope y’all have a good day and enjoy the summer holidays.
          Bye ✌