
Rewriting Skinwalkers and Glitches cause I re-read it myself and like.... DAMN. I do not like the way I wrote it. So, redo in a way. the new chapter will be posted tomorrow


Ya'll I'm bored, What type of stuff would ya'll enjoy reading? Could be any sort of ship within any anime or TV show that you may, just give me a few details on the characters and I'll deal with the rest. Down to write any sort of thing, Smut, fluff, platonic. 


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For those who follow me on character ai, I may have just lost my acc on there since it says I need to create an account or sing in. And since I'm not supposed to be on there, I don't think I'm going to be able to use it anymore. So, if you do follow me on there, do not expect any new bots anymore unless said otherwise. Hopefully it's just a glitch for the day but who knows, but if it ain't a glitch and I lost my acc. Do expect more updates on the kung fu panda one shots and one piece one shots. 
          Thanks for reading, and have a nice day.


Ignore this, I legit had to just give that thing a few minutes. We back on business, will still update KFP and OP tho! Just give my lazy ass a few more!