
@Somerlea its no problem, reading a great story never is.
          	I'm glad I can help! 


OMG! You are too funny! 
          You nailed it...I do live in the BOONDOCKS!!!  I actually spent summers in Hastings, the town I write about. It's smack dab in the middle of nowhere. Kids call it "Waystings," because partying is the only thing they have to do in such a small hick town. LOL  And, another thing, I do, in fact, drink out of pickel jars, just like Chaos! Why waste the jars, right??!! 
          Thanks for reading!!!


Haha I knew it! Someone doesn't get the hick town theme right in less they lived in one. 
            The only thing in the town I live in a post office and salvage yard, everybody hangs out at the salvage yard lol it's pretty crappy. The only semi interesting things around are in a resort town 30 miles away, and you have to drive though an indain reservation to get to it. And with the stories the locals tell I wouldn't want to drive though it at night. Lol I'm chickin!


Hi Mikayla
          Thanks for following me! I see your into the more supernatural/paranormal side of stories =D I've got a new one that I'm slowly writing that might be right for you. It's called Jameison's Wolves. It's written differently than some other stories. I'm attempting to mix western/country with horror and paranormal together. 
          I hope you enjoy my work!


Thanks for continuing to read. Your feedback means everything to me. Usually I'm at work when I sneak on Wattpad and get an opportunity to read the feedback you've left for me. I end up returning to work with a huge smile on my face for the rest of the day. I just want to go SQUEEE!


@Somerlea No problem your story is great. I changed something on the Silent Hills book. I got way better with photo shop so I made a better cover, and wrote a better disruption for it. I also found someone who looks more like the Freya in my head to play her character. Have you seen the new Texas Chainsaw Massacre movie? The girl in it looks almost exactly the way I imagined Freya.
          Haha I'm not really an expert on anything but zombies, but in that category I've got you covered. I don't think there is a zombie movie made that I haven't seen at lest 5 times. Its my life long obsession....that and Daryl lol.
          You should totally use that song in your story! I want to add music to mine and I have some really good ideas, unfortunately the multimedia thingy wont work so I'm just going to make a playlist on youtube and leave a link. nice to finely meet someone who doesn't have terrible taste in music! I haven't seen a lot of stories where an Asking Alexandria song would be used. With most people its all One Direction and Justin Bibier (I don't even know how to spell his last name lol) I will never see appeal.     
          I'd love to help out in any way I can, I'll read some more of your story tomorrow when I get off work and leave some more feedback.      


Thanks for the vote! Did you just change your page? Seems different. Anywhoo, I totally need you as a critique partner. You'll have to tell me if I got the zombie element right in my book. Of course, my new breed of zombie has never existed anywhere else. Totally original, or at least I think so. I'm dying to find out what you think. I trust you as a Walking Dead Aficionado. lol Oh, and I read that you like Black Veil Brides. I created an emo band that plays a cover of Fallen Angels towards the end of the story. What a killer video!!  Love it. I also love Asking Alexandria. If my book was ever made into a movie, I want their song, The Final Episode, to play during a scene that is battle to the death, when Chaos confronts the villain at the end. As she comes face to face with a monster, she says the words, "OH MY GOD!" at the same time as the song is playing in the background. Too awesome!!!  
          If I could give you any advice in life, do what you love. But most of all, write about what you love. Don't be afraid to tackle those creative writing classes because they make you do things their way or tell you what to write about. It's always a good idea to get down the basics of how to create a story and everything that goes into it. Think of it this way, that's one class you will ace for sure. An easy A. Then, when you pass the class with flying colors, everyone including Literary Agents, will be more open to submissions from you because your work will automatically be set apart from the rest as advanced. There's nothing worse than Literary Agents who think they are the Gatekeeper's to the publishing world. Don't let them have the power. Take it back by being the best writer you possibly can. You're already very good. A natural born writer. But you also have the potential to be GREAT!!!! Don't you dare ever give up on your dreams.
          Let me know what you think about my story and if you have any suggestions for me as my expert. I'll make sure to  dedicate chapters to you!!!