german x english
this account is new mainly because i lost my pass for my other ones so i've had to restart all over again 😪

lots o love - millz xo❣
  • انضمFebruary 28, 2024


قصص بقلم Millz xo
push and pull بقلم MillieWassell
push and pull
based of the film peaky blinders. Diana Lee, apart of a gypsy family, the oldest in the family, while her lit...
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bad habits بقلم MillieWassell
bad habits
Diana McCarthy is a former known business woman working in a gang along with her brothers and aunt, her middl...
manipulator بقلم MillieWassell
amelia white, a twenty three year old girl was a famous victoria secret model, known around the city for the...
7 قوائم قراءة