Hobby: Writing... sometimes.
Sorry for my Grammar
"The world is shaped by two things - stories told and the memories they leave behind."
― Vera Nazarian
  • انضمJune 7, 2019


قصص بقلم Mike
The Astronaut بقلم MindWriter28
The Astronaut
A Guy among heroes When I was young, adrenaline flow through my vein every second. It was amazing. I had the...
El Cientifico بقلم MindWriter28
El Cientifico
Llámalo historia, llámalo diario, pero esto es como terminé en mis sueños o simplemente cómo perdí la cabeza...
The Scientist بقلم MindWriter28
The Scientist
Call it a story, call it a diary, this is just how i ended up in my dreams or simple just how i lose my mind...
ranking #18 في undiscoveredin2019 إظهار جميع المراتِب
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