Goodbye yellow brick road... 🌻

Romanogers stan
Evansson stan
  • انضمApril 8, 2020

الرسالة الأخيرة
MissRomanogers MissRomanogers Jul 04, 2022 02:31AM
Gnt, criei uma playlist pra Stop and Stare!! A playlist tá linda mas tá daquele jeito  Aproveitem bastante!! OBS: não necessariamente todas as músicas estarão na fic, mas tenham ctz muitas delas es...
عرض جميع المحادثات

قصة بقلم Mad M
Stop and Stare 》Romanogers  بقلم MissRomanogers
Stop and Stare 》Romanogers
"...Stop and stare You start to wonder why you're here not there And you'd give anything to get what's f...
5 قوائم قراءة