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Tagged by: @TURTLES2001 1. Sunrise or sunset: Sunset, of course. 2. What's the biggest lie you've ever told: I dunno, I've told many 'big lies'. But I guess if I had to choose, it'd be that I told my parents that I don't talk to my online friends anymore. And that I'm not dating my boyfriend anymore- Which obviously isn't true! 3. If you were to date a fictional character, which would it be: Edward Elric. 4. Why: Because he's Edward Elric. Duh. 5. Do you believe in love: Of course I do! 6. What is your guilty pleasure: Deep voices and imagining my boyfriend and I in unmentionable situations- >///< 7. If you could one thing about your body, what would it be: My teeth. 8. If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it: Use some to fly to Arizona, waste some more on anime merch, then donate some and save the rest. 9. Favorite cartoon: Anime-wise is Fullmetal Alchemist, cartoon-wise is Spongebob Squarepants. 10. Bad guys or good guys: It depends. But mainly bad guys- 11. Most expensive thing you own: I dunno. I don't pay attention to prices. 12. Who's your best friend on wattpad: I dunno. 13. Craziest thing you've ever done: I've done too many crazy things to name one. And there you have it! Me doing some stupid shit because I was tagged to do so. I hope you're happy, geez-

@MorbidWishes yes Pm me please xD (that's fine. I think I have my project figured out anyways and my grandma is coming to move into my house tomorrow anyways xD)

@TURTLES2001 Ah yes, I have much to tell you my friend. I'll pm you if you want me to- (I'm going back to my friend's house tomorrow. I was there last night, but had to leave early this morning for time recovery- Sorry. D:)

@MorbidWishes boyfriend? Boyfriend? BOYFRIEND? who is this boyfriend I was never told of? I THOUGHT WE WERE BESTFRIENDS! DX (p.s. are we still up for you coming over my house this weekend so we can not know what to do on our projects together?)