
I haven't written/posted anything here in a long ass time lmao


@Mxlanch0ly_ *sending shoulder pats*
          	  (I’m very late but we’re gonna ignore that)


hey kiddo it's your father, hope you're doing alright. send virtual love and hugs to you :)) <33


@ grunge_stars  oh, Helloo!!
            I'm doing quite alright (ignoring the fact that i've been sick for the last 4-5 days-..) hope you're also doing alright and that this year has been good for u!


Been having a bit of a writer's block these past few days due to an episode/relapse I had- 
          Might write something soon though, don't know when, but soon<3
          (I'm better now btw- still having a small relapse but im way better rn)
              - Callisto!!


SO, the "roteador" (router??) Is working again, somehow, so i'm gonna be able to write stuff thankfully! 
          Honestly I don't even know HOW it started working again but I'm not complaining- I think that because it's been raining for a few days now It somehow managed to break it temporarily? Don't really know, so i'm not even gonna try to
          But yeah! Back to writing!! <3
          - Rev <33


I MAYBE won't post anything for a few days after today because from what I listened from my parents talking the internet thingy in my house broke(?) I'm managing to write because of the credit stuff, idk, it's hard to explain in English-
          It might take a few days to fix but I hope it doesn't take THAT long, but I'm writing this just in case it does
          - Rev <33