
What I tell myself daily really matters If my day is going to be better, I must give myself the message that I am worthy enough That my words and my life matter That the heart of who I am, matters To understand and accept myself where I am at in the journey of my life When I finally decide that the messages I feed myself are worth something it will be at that point I can really change It all begins with the right messages and the good messages we feed ourselves daily Begin telling yourself that you matter and are worthy and see what happens Do this before you go to bed at night... say I am worthy, I am kind, I am gentle I am loving and I am doing all that I can - I am grateful that I am here for myself right now...and then head off to dreamland...or better yet...wake in the morning and say Hello world here I am...ready to accept this day and everyone in it...and by the way... You are lets go have a fabby day... It ALL adds up to something wonderful What we tell ourselves does matter <3


What I tell myself daily really matters If my day is going to be better, I must give myself the message that I am worthy enough That my words and my life matter That the heart of who I am, matters To understand and accept myself where I am at in the journey of my life When I finally decide that the messages I feed myself are worth something it will be at that point I can really change It all begins with the right messages and the good messages we feed ourselves daily Begin telling yourself that you matter and are worthy and see what happens Do this before you go to bed at night... say I am worthy, I am kind, I am gentle I am loving and I am doing all that I can - I am grateful that I am here for myself right now...and then head off to dreamland...or better yet...wake in the morning and say Hello world here I am...ready to accept this day and everyone in it...and by the way... You are lets go have a fabby day... It ALL adds up to something wonderful What we tell ourselves does matter <3