
Should I make a new story?
          	As much as I’d like to fix up Atlantic Melody, there’s also some other stories in the archives that I’ve been working on.
          	And a lot which I’ve daydreamed about.
          	At this point I’d rather start Atlantic Melody all over again.
          	It’s hard to write when the author herself is her biggest critic, but what do you guys think?


Should I make a new story?
          As much as I’d like to fix up Atlantic Melody, there’s also some other stories in the archives that I’ve been working on.
          And a lot which I’ve daydreamed about.
          At this point I’d rather start Atlantic Melody all over again.
          It’s hard to write when the author herself is her biggest critic, but what do you guys think?


Hey girllll how is you doing?? Just wanted to check up on you onto this New Year  I wishh you all the best in your studiesss you can do this gurlll \⁠(⁠^⁠o⁠^⁠)⁠/


@TheShipWriter913 Awww you're alwas welcome as alwaysss :)))<333 and I feel u right now but yasss it will be over soonnnn :DD


@nia_vera thank you so much!! Happy New Year! <33 as always the studies continue to mentally traumatize me but only 1 more year to go!! :D


UPDATE: I know I havent updated in like...forever O.O
          I've had multiple papers, around 9 tests back to back and lots of studying!
          But that doesnt mean I haven't been writing!!!
          To be honest, I'm half thinking of giving Atlantic Melody a speedy ending because of other story ideas I've had, and the chapters ive written so far just aren't good enough to me
          But as soon as Christmas break rolls around, I'll be releasing the 4-5 chapters that I'm confident about!!!
          The finale is soon, please be patient with me!! <3
          P.S. any other IB students??


Hi guys!! Just wanted to apologize for not updating recently!!
          Its just that I've been getting assignments on top of assignments and a bunch of projects :< school is just an abyss of work at this point.
          I will definitely try to find some time this weekend to write and publish a new chapter of Atlantic Melody- the story is actually almost over!! >.<
          See you guys soon!!


@TheShipWriter913 Itz all good and dandy gurll we relateee  Especially on the assignments and projects part  But oooo  Okay damn I better catch up with both my ready and writing then HAHAHA Soo excited for ittt<3


It’s all good, take your time!



Hey girliee^^
          Just checking in on ya its me... Jie society.. Again with a different account xD Its now my brand to  constantly delete and make new different accounts istg XD
          But anywhooo Congratulations on getting 4.42K reads on Atlantic Melodyy~~ :3 I am actually so so happy to see the story flourish and have more people read it as well (σ≧▽≦)σ
          And its okay if you're feeling in kind of a rut or is unmotivated to continue writing, we'll still support ya no matter what!
          I hope you and your loved ones are safe and well as alwaysss^^


@TheShipWriter913 Yep here we go againn HAHAHAAHH Jkjk imma try to make this acc last this time HAHA And aww you're always welcomeeee<333 And oof I relate to that so much but its natural to feel that way sometimes and yesss!! You're always welcomee as welll↖(^ω^)↗


@nia_vera another account?! XD and thank you so much!!! My writers block lasted....quite a bit but I'm glad that the story is still getting support!!!♡♡ And I hope you and your loved ones are safe as well! Thank you for always being so supportive! :D


Chapter 44 of Atlantic Melody is out!! I hope you all enjoy our favorite couples :>
          Gonna start working on the next chapter very soon!!
          I just published "°O.S.° EP 44: "Christmas Party"" of my story "Atlantic Melody".


Hello everyone!! I'm really sorry that the next chapter of Atlantic Melody still isn't out yet!! I'm currently just fixing some grammar issues and it should be up tomorrow!! This was my first week back to school so I've been pretty booked and busy but I'll be sure to release the new chapter as soon as I'm done editing and revising!!♡♡


That’s okay, take your time <33