
I have been an unc for 2 days now, quite frankly, it feels weird being 18 now.


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You know, I have a blast being here for half a decade now, 6 or 7 cause my dum dum didn't make an account till late November 2018. Anyhow I remember reading books here, many books. Good one, a cringe one, a sad one, a self-insert one, and quite frankly way more than I thought. Can't believe I will finally try and make a good book for any of you reading, I just want to say that I'm sure, without the books I've read up until now. Will not shape me into what I am today, and people too. I know if I read any books I save in 2018, I WILL cringe a lot but I suppose 2018 me love it, so I won't shit on it. It was fun, to more years and the following ones. Take care everyone, and have a very early happy new year from yours truly.


Happy new years, or happy early one aswell


@NW__48 happy new year mate!!


Amourshipping fans having a field day on that specific year.


Words cant describe how much i want to commit suicide reading my old comments or old dms here...


            First off hello, we haven't talked in a while. Secondly, I'm just merely exaggerating about the kms part, although i will not deny i kinda want to. Also your right, the past is the past, I've moved on from it. Thanks for the words man.


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We all have those feelings when we look back on the shit that we have said of done in the past, when you cringe just by reading them, and seeing how much of an idiot you are, but don’t let your past mistakes determine your current actions, especially ones that will lead you to harming yourself. You have a bright future ahead of you, so don’t look back on the negative, but focus on the positive 


First day at work for internship. Not great. I have been walking to the point my legs are bursting and feels like exploding to pieces. It didn't help at all that I had to stand the whole bus ride with my leg dying.


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Im writing a book. Its been 4 fucking years or keep discountinuing/deleting my works. This time i wont delete it and ill let you know its not as cringy as the old ones. Where the book? Yea goodluck finding the acc where i wrote the book.


            Peak realism moment


@NW__48 what do you mean good luck finding it?! bruuuuuuuuh... ;-;