My Info
Name: Natalie The Ink Demon Glitch
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Looks: Red Horns And Tail, Black Dress Ripped At The End, Grey Leggins, Red Boots, Black Hair Thwt Covers Right Side Of Face, Blue Left Eye
Sexuality: Straight
Personality: Evil But Pretends To Be Good, Mysterious, Secretive, Kills For Fun, Tricks People Into ERASEing AU's, Insane Always, Depressed And Lazy 24/7
Fandoms I'm Into
Undertale ♥️
Bendy And The Ink Machine ✒️
Eddsworld 😇 #FollowForAFollow
- Hell Aka: SCHOOL
- IscrittoMarch 21, 2018
Iscriviti ed entra a fare parte della più grande comunità di narrativa al mondo
Storie di :3 Nats Da Best :3
- 17 storie pubblicate

Natalie And The Fear Machine
It's A AU I Made Of Bendy And The Ink Machine(BATIM).It's Not A Copy But It Does Contain Bendy,Boris, Alice,H...

3 Elenchi di lettura
- Elenco di lettura
- 12 storie
- Elenco di lettura
- 15 storie