
          	Finally got Chapter 16 of Miami Dreams up, go check it out. I know I keep saying this, but updates will be coming faster for real this time, I finally mapped everything out.
          	Love y'all


I'm literally jitters for Sparrows song, saw the description of it on a thread. So excited!!!!


@ThatgirlwhoLaughs I'm glad you're excited the first chapter is now up, I promise you that updates will be quicker from now on


Hey guys,
          First off thanks for sticking with me as I took my sudden absence. I just haven't gotten that feeling lately, like I need to write, and so I took a short break read some Libba Bray, went to Italy, and bought a fancy dress. No but in all honesty, I really did take a trip across the world, graduated 9wearing my fancy dress), and developed a lot of opinions on Libba Bray's  Beauty Queens. Anyways, I'm back now, though not for long because i'm going to teach Zumba at a camp up north. But then I'll be back and I'm entering the Watty's, I've got a new story called 'Bad Angels' that I'll start posting.
          Love y'all