
And lo and behold, "Don't Judge A Book By Its Cover" has officially reached 6K reads! Thank you all so much, and I hope that I can get the rewrite up ASAP, as well as make it much better all I all! Again, thank you for getting my book past the milestone of 5K reads, and have an awesome day! 


And lo and behold, "Don't Judge A Book By Its Cover" has officially reached 6K reads! Thank you all so much, and I hope that I can get the rewrite up ASAP, as well as make it much better all I all! Again, thank you for getting my book past the milestone of 5K reads, and have an awesome day! 


So, I'm back after a who-knows-how-long hiatus in order to announce that...I still have a half-hiatus going on. But don't worry (if any of you were in the first place), I'll be somewhat, not really regularly posting my spin-off to my short story "Don't Judge A Book By Its Cover," which is called "Don't Judge A Person By A Face," which is the most cringeworthy title I could have chosen.
          So enjoy. XD


And here I am again with another announcement/thank you note to everyone who has gotten my book, "Don't Judge A Book By Its Cover," to 5K reads! I know I haven't been all too active writing wise on here, but it's still awesome to see some of my stories continue to garner reads and votes and comments and adds to reading lists and, well, RECOGNITION, ya know? To any of you who read "Her Definition Of 'Life'," I hope to get the second story up soon. I wanted to fully write it out before publishing. Otherwise, I would be having the hiatus problem I usually have. But anyways, once again, thank you all SO MUCH for hitting the milestone of 5K reads on my most popular book so far on Wattpad! You guys are awesome!


Hey, it's been some time since my last post! I just wanted to say, thank you for getting "Don't Judge A Book By Its Cover" to 4K reads! I know compared to other books that it's not a lot, but this is my first, actually successful book! So, thank you all again! :D