"I want to upload Agnihotri's chapters more frequently before my schedule gets busy next month. However, seeing the vote count always leaves me feeling discouraged. I poured my heart into writing, like the last chapter, which was equivalent to two chapters, but the vote count is half of the vote limit. Is it too much to ask?
I understand that some of you might think I should write for the sake of the story, not for votes. But the voting option is there for a reason - it's a way that readers show their support.
I'm not looking for excuses, but I want to share my perspective with you. As the elder daughter, I have responsibilities towards my siblings in the city, and managing household chores takes up a significant amount of time. On top of that, I have my own studies and commitments.
Despite the challenges, I'm trying my best to deliver updates for you. I'd appreciate it if you could show your support by voting. It's a simple click, but it means the world to me.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. I appreciate your understanding and look forward to your continued support!" (^^)