
Hi, hi, hello to whoever reads this. This is gonna be yet another announcement but won't be notifying anyone. This is basically the same announcements as last time but I'll guarantee this is the last. With how my life is going, I've got more things to do from now on and won't be having any free time to be around this platform that much anymore. My motivation hasn't sparked at all ever since last month and with my daily life challenges I doubt it'll return at all. So, I think this is for reals now. I won't be writing anymore here. That was half-assed of an announcement but I got to tell what I need to tell. I will still be around to talk, perhaps. I'm more active in discord so feel free to leave a message in here or there. Until then, see you all.


@ NixiumDonuts  thank you for writing these amazing books


@NixiumDonuts Please be back even if you dont want to =))))