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This will swear, don't like, don't read Here's a random bit of life advice that could prove quite useful: if someone tells you to off yourself, tell them that you'd like to see them try and end up paralyzed in a hospital bed for the rest of their life. Story behind this: Fuckwads at school shove eachother around in the hallway, then when you react to getting shoved in the process, they tell you to off yourself and laugh like the absolute motherfucking asshat bitch-ass white trailer trash fuckwads they are. At this point THEY need to be the ones rolled up in carpets and set on fire, they can control acting like this. Or we let what happened to captives of the Japanese army during I think WW2. I'm so goddamn tired of dealing with this shit, at this point I want to file for disability even more. At least then I could have more exceptions and maybe even get to do fully online school like I've wanted since I learned what it was

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@01adyb1rd0 It's not even threats, just asshole kids. They call my bag a suitcase and say shit like "Oh, I didn't know you could bring a suitcase to school." I have a rolling backpack due to shit joints. The best part is that I can have issues regulating emotions, so I have to try to ignore them so I don't cry or say shit that'll get me in trouble

@MHAtokoyami Can you tell I'm from Massachusetts? (It's a whole running joke online that out of people from New England, those of us from Massachusetts swear a lot and have bad road rage issues sometimes, just if you didn't know)