
I just wanted to start writing, so hey, this exists now. Yep.


hey their NoviceNovels, I like your profile and I just found it while I was scrolling through, by the way, do you like endless adventure and journey based stories, or even novels, well check out my novel, give it a read and a bit of votes, by the way if I judge your works by the cover, there really attractive, could you guide me, which work to read first?, by the way dont take the checking my novel as a request, u know, u can do it, if u ever get time ;)
          warm regards,-BOOKMARK70-


Hey there, just read your submission for the superhero story contest uhh thingy. I really loved it, and I enjoyed it, haha. Also, it really gives lots of details, which is just enough for the others to carry on writing, I was pretty amazed by the details you managed to squeeze in, in a short chapter without giving out too much. 
          Oops, this is a little long, yikes. Just wanted to drop by a friendly note, it was a nice read :).


Thanks for the vote.
          BTW, that’s an interesting Wattpad banner you have. It’s pretty cool.


@JoeRover2 No prob, and thanks, telekinesis was always one of my favorite powers, so I thought 'eh why not.' If your submission is chosen for the co writing challenge, I'll be pretty happy, I really enjoyed it.