Hey guys im back! I just wanted you to know that I'm done with testing and I have good news and bad news...
The good news is I'm still working on World Breaker, the bad news is it's gonna go through a re-write.
i know I know this is probably my 3rd re-write, but I took some time off and cleared my head a little and realized I didn't have a clear direction of where the book was going, it was just... going.
And it was going nowhere.
So I'm gonna unpublish it and republish it hopefully within two or three days and make it look good and sound good because truth be told, I used gpt for grammatical checking which I feel guilty about and it actually stunted my writing, it's gonna take longer, but it gonna fully me and only me.
As usual my discord is fully open, anyone can talk to me but keep it pg 16, see you guys and have a nice day.