There’s going to be a big delay on the next update, I know I said just two days ago it would be soon but the bad month got worse, I’ll explain when I next update whenever that will be.
There’s going to be a big delay on the next update, I know I said just two days ago it would be soon but the bad month got worse, I’ll explain when I next update whenever that will be.
Happy Holidays everyone! Sorry there's been no updates recently it's been a bit of a hectic month for me but the closest to being updated is Astronomical and then Thorns :D ~Nyx
Also have gone back and edited some little things such as translations and the error with Nari's age and me saying it was 20 when it's actually 21 and saying I'd corrected it when apparently I just forgot to publish the edit of. Sorry.
Thorns update coming soon! The chapter is finished and I just need to edit it but it's a long one this time! And two characters finally make their appearance!
New Thorns chapter out today! Sorry for the wait, hehe. I'm trying to be more consistent I swear. Life just sorta keeps happening. But next to be updated will probably be Wicked Hearts.
Republished both the Synopsis and Chapter 1 because I noticed that neither of them updated on mobile so I'm hoping that'll fix the issue but it might just be mobile playing up though let me know if it persists and I'll try to fix it. ~Nyx
The newly edited version of my Fairy Tail story is now published I meant to just repost it over the first chapter but accidentally deleted the first chapter, so sorry to all of those of you who commented and voted. But I hope you'll like the newer version :D