
Ima try to be more active on here and I just made a tumblr like yesterday due to the tiktok ban, hi guys 


What would you do if gary decided to commit cannibalism and ripped you to shreds and ate you while plucking you apart limb by limb while your still alive??


My school is hella weird, and I have a list why to.
          1. They hump each other.
          (Its mostly boys. BUT. They are very dirty minded. I am also, but that's not the case why my school is weird. This only happens when that boy how yells out memes comes to school.)
          2. School fights outbreaks.
          (On the first couple weeks of school this year, every Friday, there would be a fight, probably bc they were talking about there mom or them, or some unknown beef. I remember someone's boyfriend got beat up by a short kid. A SHORT KID.)
          3. Dirty minded kids.
          (Like I said in the first one, most of the kids in my school are dirty minded, VERY. Half of the middle school kids are dirty minded, if you said something that was supposed to sound inappropriate, they would say "AYO!" or some crap like that. They would all ways find a way to make everything sound dirty, and they do weird things that you probably saw on the... you know what.)
          4. Random shiz.
          (I remember a long time ago, a white kid once said the n-word. They said it for about a week? But yea, the first time I heard it, it was at special. They were to kids saying the n-word why playing football, in a music classroom for some reason idk why the teacher let them do that. Then I heard her say the n-word. I thought I was tripping until the day when i was at gym. Someone heard her say it and told everyone and they circled around, say, "(There name.), why are you saying that word?" And other stuff, she kept on saying "go away!". In reading, she then stopped. Oh yea, she said the god wasn't real either.)
          Yea there's more I could say but yea, that girl probably in a relationship with the long head ahh boy who itched his butt and digs in his nose.


@SWBGfan450 Oop, I misread it- and question, was it on the first day or you just moved to a different school?


@CaracalTheCaracal NOT EVERYONE!!!!!!! JUST SOME PEOPLE 


@SWBGfan450 SO YOU SAYING EVERY KID IN YO SCHOOL WAS DATING? THATS VERY RANDOM- if I was in a school that everyone was dating, I would've want to move schools-