I have considered the idea that maybe everything happens for a reason, not that is been predetermined but that because of actions of people before me. 
A man forgot his hat and had to go back inside to get it and at the same time a little girl and her mother where leaving a bakery with a birthday cake, got into a taxi who had to brake to someone who was backing out as to not hit them. 10 minute later that man was in his car going 30 and the taxi behind it going 35 when all at once the car in front of the man stops for a little girl crossing the street and the taxi hits the man. But if one thing had happened differently, the man hadn't forgotten his hat, the taxi hadn't had to wait for a backing out car, or the little girl waited to cross the road than maybe, just maybe that accident wouldn't have happened.
But than I simply remember that is life. Without stupid little mistakes we wouldn't be where we are. It's a wonderful world, so for the time you're in it look at it's beauty and love every second of it.

The world is your canvas, your fingers are the pens and your imagination is the ink. Don't ruin any of them.
  • Narnia
  • BergabungJanuary 24, 2014


Cerita oleh Jean
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Oh, Sweet Daughter of Doom
Andromeda is an average 20 year old with three things in mind; Acquire her Degree, Become the next best Autho...