
It's over! It's done!
          	I've FINALLY finished my exams. Can you believe it? My teachers had pushed back the exam date TWICE one day before the exam because of 'Rona. At that point, I didn't know if I should go burn the building down or go cry in the shower. Because the latter wouldn't get me into more trouble, I spent an hour or more furiously crying in the bathtub. Caught a nasty cold afterward because the water was freezing when I left which didn't improve my situation but now I had a reason to walk around as if I've bitten into a lemon. If life gives you lemons, throw the lemons back as hard as possible.
          	After I finished my last exam, I was like: f*ck this, f*ck that, f*ck this sh!t, f*ck that sh!t in particular, f*ck it, f*ck me, f*ck off, f*ck you... My grandpa said you shouldn't trust people who don't swear, and that swearing makes you human. Well, I certainly feel human again after going through all my exams... Until the next exam phase.
          	So, as we Germans say it: "long speech short meaning". I'm back writing fanfics again! I'm thinking about continuing to update Popular Monster and scribble some more for my upcoming fanfic "Brightest Dark Witch of Her Age", perhaps even update my German fanfic which I had put on hold because my brain didn't want to cooperate.
          	Love you!


It's over! It's done!
          I've FINALLY finished my exams. Can you believe it? My teachers had pushed back the exam date TWICE one day before the exam because of 'Rona. At that point, I didn't know if I should go burn the building down or go cry in the shower. Because the latter wouldn't get me into more trouble, I spent an hour or more furiously crying in the bathtub. Caught a nasty cold afterward because the water was freezing when I left which didn't improve my situation but now I had a reason to walk around as if I've bitten into a lemon. If life gives you lemons, throw the lemons back as hard as possible.
          After I finished my last exam, I was like: f*ck this, f*ck that, f*ck this sh!t, f*ck that sh!t in particular, f*ck it, f*ck me, f*ck off, f*ck you... My grandpa said you shouldn't trust people who don't swear, and that swearing makes you human. Well, I certainly feel human again after going through all my exams... Until the next exam phase.
          So, as we Germans say it: "long speech short meaning". I'm back writing fanfics again! I'm thinking about continuing to update Popular Monster and scribble some more for my upcoming fanfic "Brightest Dark Witch of Her Age", perhaps even update my German fanfic which I had put on hold because my brain didn't want to cooperate.
          Love you!


3 final exams down, 2 to go...! I'm slowly but steadily crawling towards the finish line. Studying is much more exhausting and hard when you're sick, but I'm confident that I'll rock my exams, and then I'll come back and continue my stories! ❤️ bare with me


@Olimione hope you pass whatever exam you’re doing though


@Zoe_Nightshade10 Thanks! ❤️ Going to need it haha...


@Grace_185 Congratulations! I'm really proud of you! ❤️ You're going to rock all of them


So, I've started fasting.
          It's hard to find a therapist nowadays and as my depression started to worsen, I've started to fast in order to clear my mind. So far it's working fine and I plan on publishing the next chapter soon ❤️ if you are struggling, don't hesitate to contact me. Often times, we love others more than ourselves.


@Olimione I talk with my therapist tomorrow evening.  Lol  I am pretty sure that she'll find it ironic that I have issues with time and am trying to hammer out a time travel fic  


@Glitchie13 This is very good advice! I have not dived deeper into the feeling of guilt and honestly, feeling guilty scares me. This might be an underlying issue of mine as well. But I'm so afraid to feel guilty, wrong and vulnerable. It is much easier to hide those feelings inside than to open up. But your therapist is right - holding on to the guilt will probably only eat me up. Writing letters that are never sent and read might help with the fact that I care too much about what people think of me and how I appear. Thank you, dear Sister! ❤️ May God bless you and your family


@Grace_185 You've got this! God will give you the inspiration and motivation you need ❤️ If you'd like to discuss something in a scene feel free to hit me with your ideas!


I've been working on the next chapter for so many days now and still no success  I think I will delete the chapter and start all over again, perhaps that'll help. Thank you so much for having so much patience! ❤️


Today I found a little naked baby bird on the cold pavement after a heavy storm. No parent birds and no nests were visible. The poor little baby was doomed to die just mere minutes after hatching...
          But it was kicking its tiny legs, wiggling its tiny wings and opening and closing its beak. These moments were precious, as I held such a tiny and fragile soul in my hand. It was at this moment I saw how strong I was, how powerful, and how evil I could be if I used this strength and power to do evil, and in the same moment I saw how kind and gentle I can be if I chose to be good instead.
          I don't know how to care for a little soul like this so I gave him/her to the professionals. They promised to do everything they can.


@Olimione you are a good person 


Today was a very poor day in a very poor week. I just want to be happy. Is it too much to ask for? Is it God's plan to make me appreciate the things I am taking for granted? If yes, I appreciate them now. I appreciate everything.
          Just please, let me be happy.


Just posted a new chapter today. It doesn't have much action and I'm not very content about it, but I think it was necessary for both the future plot, the character development, and myself. It was so painful to write about the death of the loved ones, but I used that pain to (hopefully) transform it into art.
          But, as we are mortals and cannot cheat death, I accept death as a part of life. This is the closest I have come to process the death of my grandparents, who are now reunited in Heaven.


It warms my heart that so many start reading my stories  it is a beacon of light during those days when I feel like drowning in clouds


@ Grace_185  I am glad that you can process your thoughts through writing ❤️ this is how I started writing as well.


@ NeverBackDown001  I hope that you feel better now, it hurts me to see others struggling as well. Sending lots of love, hot cocoa and warm hugs. And what my grandfather had always told me: if you're feeling like your happiness runs through your palm like sand, turn the hourglass in your head around


And not to mention the fact that wattpad aleays eats all my emojis makes me laugh out loud.