It's over! It's done!
I've FINALLY finished my exams. Can you believe it? My teachers had pushed back the exam date TWICE one day before the exam because of 'Rona. At that point, I didn't know if I should go burn the building down or go cry in the shower. Because the latter wouldn't get me into more trouble, I spent an hour or more furiously crying in the bathtub. Caught a nasty cold afterward because the water was freezing when I left which didn't improve my situation but now I had a reason to walk around as if I've bitten into a lemon. If life gives you lemons, throw the lemons back as hard as possible.
After I finished my last exam, I was like: f*ck this, f*ck that, f*ck this sh!t, f*ck that sh!t in particular, f*ck it, f*ck me, f*ck off, f*ck you... My grandpa said you shouldn't trust people who don't swear, and that swearing makes you human. Well, I certainly feel human again after going through all my exams... Until the next exam phase.
So, as we Germans say it: "long speech short meaning". I'm back writing fanfics again! I'm thinking about continuing to update Popular Monster and scribble some more for my upcoming fanfic "Brightest Dark Witch of Her Age", perhaps even update my German fanfic which I had put on hold because my brain didn't want to cooperate.
Love you!