I have no idea what to put here, I'm just a loser who's entire personality is just being a huge introverted theater kid introvert with a marvel obsession who spends way too much time over on Ao3 and this lovely site. 

oh, BTW I'm bisexual and my pronouns are she/her

my Wattpad children are @Chloe_s20 @Syd404 and @SchlattGoMeow

my Wattpad husbands are @Glittercat34 @L120250140
  • The Closet
  • InscritJanuary 30, 2021

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OreoMilkShake360 OreoMilkShake360 Apr 25, 2022 05:10PM
GUYS IN CLASS TODAY MY TEACHER SAID “Where do you think we’ll be in ten years?” AND I INSTINCTIVELY REPLY “Dead, hopefully.” LOUDER THAN I MEANT TO AND EVERBODY HEARD!I honestly forgot I wasn’t on t...
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