
          	Its at the bottom of our info page


Name ; Nira
          Age ; 15
          Description ; Short, straight forward,seems like an emotional bitch but she isn't, she's afraid to let anyone close
          Eye colour ; Blue
          Fur Colour ; Chocolate Brown
          Rank ; Hunter 
          Special Ability ; Quick with her weapons,she's stealthy 
          Birthday ; 9-10-01
          Gender ; Female
          Personality ; quiet,protective of her pack,has a bitchy aura
          About yourself ; Raised in an unknown pack as her past pack was attacked by unknown rogues,daughter of a gamma
          I hope that's fine :)


Hey i want to join the pack:
          Wolf name: Raindrop
          Description\personality: shy/quiet, authoritative at times, loyal, agressive, but considerate
          eye color: grey
          fur color: black, one small spot on my belly
          rank: delta female
          birthday: August 10th
          gender: female
          about myself: I love running a lot, and I'm usually really quiet. I'm not the biggest wolf but I'm not weak


            U may join welcome to the pack :)


Name-Silver Onyx
          Age (optional)- 14
          Description:A fierce fighter.  Have had my fair share of scars and don't trust easy.  Been a lone wolf all my life
          Eye Color- Bright honey gold
          Fur Color-Jet Black
          Rank (no promises you will get the rank you choose)- Fighter or Hunter
          Special ability (if any)-Strategy and strength along with stealth
          Birthday-December 23
          Personality- Closed off to those I'm not close to.
          About Yourself-I'm loyal and loving when you get to know me I'm protective and would do anything for my friends and family.  I'm fast and love o race and run.