
....didn't you makeout with
          my older sister or something ? 
          or are you the wrong eun - seo ? 


this message may be offensive
            it doesn't fucking matter, i've 
            seen you die. it constantly replays
            in my dreams day in && day out —
            but if you wanna deny that, it's your
            fucking loss
            your plans shitty anyway, the
            world will never bow to a stupid
            two faced teenage girl && her twin
            brother who is nothing like her 
            but what do i know ? i'm just that
            bitchasses girlfriend after all


♡︎ ! :: @gardengems 
            my plan will go perfectly . 
            and if there ‘ s something you have a 
            problem with , it may be best to consult 
            to my number 2 who is in full agreement 
            and aware of my plan and claimed to be
            willing to take over it if something went wrong. 
            although , i shouldnt be shocked that you
            want to prevent our salvation, you’re with 
            that hypnotist bitchass, aren’t you? 


            you're the delusional one. 
            your plan will fail, you will die
            a horrible death, but hey... who
            am i to judge ? i don't really care
            about you — but please actually do
            what i asked, i don't feel like fixing
            / your / mess. 
            i honestly don't have the


eunseo ! it is nice to see you again . how are you ?


♡︎ ! :: @graverobbings 
            not  really  !  things  have  been  slow  in  the  studio  lately  and  i  haven ‘ t  had  any  inspirations  to  do  something  for  my  own  enjoyment  . 
            well  ,  that  is  besides  listen  to  hyeon - suk ‘ s  demo  recordings  ,  of  course  . 
            how  about  you  ,  though  ?  has  anything  worthwhile  happened  lately  ? 


⿻❥〬〬〬ꦿ :: @PLAYlNGDEAD 
            ah , that's good . it definitely wouldn't be good if something was wrong , now would it ?  
            and i'm good , thanks . anything interesting happen ?


♡︎ ! :: @graverobbings 
            touma   !   it  has  been  a  while  ,  hasn ‘ t  it  ?  it  truly  is  remarkable  to  see  you  again  .  
            i  am  doing  fine  ,  as  usual  .  how  about  you  ? 