Hahaha I finally posted be nice I typed that on my phone. I want you all to know I now have carpaltunal. I'm going to try to update sooner now that I can update from my phone!
Hahaha I finally posted be nice I typed that on my phone. I want you all to know I now have carpaltunal. I'm going to try to update sooner now that I can update from my phone!
thank you for reading I dream about my teacher, please comment and let me know what you think, even if you think its rubbish, so that I know if im doing alright.
I don't know what's up with me and deadlines but I suck at them. I am almost done with the chapter its pretty long so yeah! Gonna try hard to get it uploaded today!
Hey guys I uploaded and I'm going to start a new chappie right now but it won't be up until like maybe next week Idk it was testing the past two weeks so now I'm trying to catch up. I'm SO SORRY for taking so long!
Ummm.... don't SHOOT! I'm gonna upload right now type as much as I can ummm.....sorry its gonna be ummm Love Nope That's the Enemy's Territory. I'm a little scattered right now sooo yeah! Have a good spring break yall idk when yours starts but mine started today so YAY!!!!!
OMG I"M soooooooooooooo sorry for not uploading in a long time i dont even have an exuse so please forgive me i'll try to upload within the week but until then HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!