Living with ADHD has Hit 10k after 5 years of being published. Thank You so much for reading it and hope that it provided the information that you needed!
Hi, just saw your book about ADHD.... That is such a great thing to raise awareness. I have mild dyspraxia so I can relate to some bit. Anyway I just wanted to say that. Keep been amazing in everyway you can.
Living with ADHD has Hit 10k after 5 years of being published. Thank You so much for reading it and hope that it provided the information that you needed!
Hi! I saw you had a book about ADHD and I wanna know if I'm the only one who feels like a robot with a pre programmed personality that's not your own when you try new medications
Sorry, it took me so long to respond. Whenever I was on meds, I felt numb and emotionless and was not myself. The meds are supposed to help regulate behaviors, but in a way, it cuts us off from being ourselves. We can’t do what we using do because the meds suppress the behaviors that make us have our quirky personality’s that are part us and other part ADHD. It’s a pain but your not alone, In feeling like a robot unfortunately that’s a side effect of meds that tons of people have.
@penguin_queen18 thank you for adding Running From You to your reading list. I hope you’ll like Atticus and Lauren’s story when you get around to read it. ♥️
Okay, I'm going to have a soapbox moment. This new coin system sucks. I get that it helps authors get money and have a better chance to standout. However, Most people chose wattpad because it is a free site to use and we can read books that we want to read without the use of coins. The ads were a good system as they were free and we could easily sit through them. There needs be a different system because no one wants to pay for a few chapter and the Authors will likely now face drop in readers due people not willing to pay for coins. @Wattpad