Hi! So I'm not back. I just wanted to say I don't know if I'll ever really be back. My beloved grandmother that basically raised me has had cancer for over 8 years now. She just recently went through surgery to get rid if it. She's okay and is recovering nicely, I just want to be there for her. So I'm going to be isolated from the world for a while. I want to thank @Endless_Moments_ for always encouraging me to keep on going and telling me my stories are unique and good. She been an amazing friend and her books are to die for! Go check them out if you can. I also want to thank the many awards that I've been in, specifically @Sugasluv an amazing person and best awards I've been in, it was really the best and so fun. @Sugasluv also has amazing books!
I'll keep my books up but sorry I won't be finishing some if them. I can update what I had planed to do, or just update what I had left. We'll see. I love to write and being on here really made my imagination go wild. I loved it!
Sorry and thank you! Please stay safe! PLEASE!! I know 2020 hella sucks but a new year is upon us and lets make it the best! For all those 2000 kids, we're almost 21!!! Alright see you guys later, much later, Bye~~~