
Anybody else have a problem with Wattpad yesterday? Just us? Like would not let me sign in what in tarnation?


Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me~ happy birthday to me! IT'S MY BIRTHDAY DAY WHOOP WHOOP! Love all of you guys so much, there couldn't have been any other present better then all of you guys!


this message may be offensive
Has anyone else been betrayed by like 3 people, manipulated you, hurt you so much that you just stopped trusting, and then you open up again and get hit in the face by regret because you're friends are insulting things you like, ignoring you for other people, and other dumbass shit. 
          My old best friend, started ignoring me last week and it really broke my heart. Now I'm scared to open up to people because of shit like that. 
          Some people just suck in general. I hate those people, and I remember everything they ever did to me. My first friend ever faked being my friend because we knew each other for so long and she didn't actually like me. :/ My next best friend was a year kater, lasted through another grade and then ditched me, for no fucking reason. My third friend I opened up for the first time in two years, then just became distant. We still talk but it makes me want to cry. My old best friend form now just started ignoring me and my texts so now I'm just heartbroken. Man fuck some people.
          If you're going through shit like this with people, just reach out for help, ask your parents, don't do what I do and keep it bottled inside you. It's not healthy for your body or your mind. 
          -A random depressed moment, so decided to post about it, Annabelle


@BlueFireSkiesFox Yesone of their names was liam! Thats so funny! Wellnot funny, but you know what I mean xD 
            And if it's not a coincidence, then what is it?*confused face*


Coincidence? I think not!


Wait, one of the friends' name what Liam?