
ok, so I have this book that I'm writing, it has seven drafts, six of them are completed. I'm only planning on having about, fifteen parts- so, if you want to read it- do you guys want me to start publishing it, or do you want to wait till it's finished?


Aw, thank you, your book is fabulous, the ending really caught me off guard, and really made me think, thanks for that ;) I enjoyed every moment, and found myself living in the world you created, you've got some amazing skill, and I really look up to you. :)


Thanks Grace for putting  The Cyborg's Daughter.  on to your reading list. Reading that I suppose that sounds odd, thanking for your such a small act , but as new authors we get a real boost every time someone comes across our work. Please enjoy the book
           Hugs RK+Reb


Thank you for sending that lovely message and writing that amazing book, I loved it, so glad to read it, you're a fantastic writer, and your book is fabulous :)


Hi! Thanks for your interest in my book!  I wasted two minutes of my life and read your bio;) LOL! I was home schooled too and am a Christian as well. Obviously right, since I wrote a Christian book. hehe! Anyway, thanks again!


God bless you too!


 Lol, thanks so much, God bless you.


p.s. I didn't feel like I wasted two minutes though by the way like you said I would. It made me smile therefore not wasted.:)