
Hey hey, been getting around mostly posting on ao3 and tumblr but i still come back here since it's where i store my drafs. Anyways i kinda miss the fun comments people leave here so i'm gonna post a few unrelated fandom stuff like genshin headcanons


Hey hey, been getting around mostly posting on ao3 and tumblr but i still come back here since it's where i store my drafs. Anyways i kinda miss the fun comments people leave here so i'm gonna post a few unrelated fandom stuff like genshin headcanons


 Happy Spooky Month Everyone! Life has me tired as expected but here are a few updates on my ongoing stories, also, requests are open at my tumblr if anyone is interested. You can find the link in my profile. 
          As for on-going story updates:
          I've be focusing on remaking [Coding Error] this month, as in, editing the early chapters to make em longer and creating new artwork. 
          For Centaurworld. I have an unfinished draft for [Savior Complex] (Elktaur x Reader) in the back burner that is still going through edits. 
           Regarding One Piece content, besides wanting to polish [Pocket Thief] like always, one shots or continuations of multi chapter stories (like the modern au or the Eustass story) aren't on my priority list rn until I catch up with the manga from where I left it (at the end of the wano war)
          Feel free to ask if you have any questions! 


Hello Positive Possum! I apologize if any of this is spelled wrong, my backspace isn't working. I'm a beginning writer who saw some of your work on quotev. I really liked it! I enjoy going around and spreading my support to fellow writers and you have my support! Do with it what you will !


@ Fern_Cakes  Nice to hear you're starting out! I hope some of my stuff helps with inspiration, I'll keep a close eye for your works later on. The support is appreciated~ thank you ✨


hi! i just started reading your OFF fanfic and it’s already insanely good. 
          just wanted to say you’re a great writer :)


@ ZOMB-BUG  HI there! Happy to hear you're enjoying it, it's kinda embarrassed that I haven't updated anything for it but I've been working on the sidelines to polish the whole thing. Make it more video game like nvn) 


Hello @Positive_Possum ! 
          Sorry for interrupting but. . .
          Recently, I was kinda bored and came up with an idea to work on a project of "Moon Thief" for The 'Pocket Thief' Fanfiction. So, basically we can count it as an fan-art.
          It looks kinda good, I THINK, since my 'such a wonderful' mind came up with creativity.
          If you'll be interested you can take a look in  BOOK on my profile and add it there, titled "FANARTS".
          There will be your chapter. :)
          Or if you prefer, I can send it to you, private.
          (Dunno how but It'll do for now. ;'+  )
          Btw, YOUR BOOKS ARE A M A Z I N G!
          KEEP GOING! ✨✨✨
          -Jolly D. Mark ♡


@ JollyDMark  Hi! I'll hit you up in your dms for more details nvn)/


Question for the OFF readers, I'm re-writing the first few chapters with bonus content. Are ya'll interested in meeting new characters or do I stick to the already existing ones? 


The people have spoken 


New characters sounds like a fun idea to mess around with


@Positive_Possum  The idea souns nice tbh<3