Does anyone know what happend to an author on here called firestarter (there was more to it) but they used to write demi Lovato stories and I cannot find them at all.
Does anyone know what happend to an author on here called firestarter (there was more to it) but they used to write demi Lovato stories and I cannot find them at all.
Im trying to find this jade west story called "new girl."...I think? But it's an oc x jade story. Can you guys see if you can find it cause I really wanna read it!!
Finally posted the second chapter of ace of spades I swear it wont take this long again for me to update I do have to go theough the old book find some of the stuff to rewrite but I already have chapters wrote to post while doing that!
I wanna say thank you to all the people that have read the rewrite so far and have gone back to read the original (dont know why you would do that) so thank you!
I have no fucking idea why people still follow me but i have been getting some chapters done of the rewrite of 'ace of spades' but not enough to keep up a normal schedual do you guys still want me to upload the first chapter?