My name is Eileen and I live in  Scotland. Originally I'm  Swiss and lived part of my life in Germany.  

Anyway, I am a big Tolkienhead and love all of his work. I love to draw and to read good books as well.

" I lived in books more than I lived anywhere else "


•The Lord of the Rings•
"Even the smallest person can change the course of the future"

•The Hobbit •
" In a hole in the ground there lived a Hobbit"

•The Silmarillion •
"All have their worth and each contributes to the worth of the others."

•All The other Books of Tolkien ^^ •

• Sherlock •
" I'm not a psychopath, I'm a high functional sociopath"

• Marvel•
"I'm burdened with glories purpose."

•Star wars•
"May the force be with you."

• Downton Abbey •


•The Walking Dead•

•The Big Bang Theory•

• Game of Thrones •
" winter is coming"
And so on...

Favourite actors:

• Benedict Cumberbatch•
• Martin Freeman•
• Richard Armitage•
• Maggie Smith•
• Thomas Brodie Sangster•
• Alan Rickman•
•Ian McKellen•
• Tom Hiddleston•
•Jennifer Lawrence•
•Harrison Ford•
•Robert Downey junior•
And so many more...
  • Erebor | Middle earth
  • Se ha unidoOctober 27, 2014

Último mensaje
Priodas Priodas Nov 04, 2014 12:24PM
Hallöchen  hier ist das eileeeeeeeeen 
Ver todas las conversaciones

Historias de Eileen ^~^
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