
Wow! Hi everyone. Been a while, I guess. Sorry about that. I kinda wanted to give everyone an update as to where I'm at on this account and writing wise. Long story short, I went to and graduated college, work full-time, and have a lot going on. Some other things happened and I've decided to take up the task of rewriting one of my books. To be published. Officially. When the idea came into my head I didn't actually have that much trouble choosing which book I wanted to rewrite. It's gotta be Modern Magic. (I also want to apologize for the atrocity that is that original draft that I have posted on here.) It's under major revision from what it was with a sound story, flushed out characters, and some new surprises. The original first, of course, then the two sequels I had planned that happen side-by-side, and the final book that brings them all together. This obviously isn't going to happen overnight. I'm a good way through the first draft of the first book and that's taken a few months. I also intend on revamping and revising We Bleed Fire in between books for a little something different to keep me sane. Keep in mind all these plans depend on how well the first book goes. I will be sure to keep you all updated on the ongoing of this, but this is the bulk of the message. I do, also, want to warn you that, while the original isn't anything like what I'm writing now, I may have to remove the story when it officially gets published but I'm not sure how that'll go. Again, I apologize for going MIA for so long, but, more than anything I wanted to keep you all updated because this is where I started. I wouldn't be where I am right now without all of your love and support, so I really just wanted to say thank you and this isn't the end for me. I'll be back with more updates in the future and, again, thank you.


Where can we purchase Modern Magician, and what’s the new name ?


Hai kak, izin promosi novel ku ya....
          bercerita tentang seorang remaja bernama Arga Heavenlight yang hidup pada zaman invasi para iblis. ia harus melalui hari hari yang berat dan penuh dengan perjuangan. ia akan berpetualang, bertarung, belajar bersama teman temannya untuk memecahkan sebenarnya apa itu demon dan apa tujuan mereka. 
          Hari itu, manusia kembali mengingatnya.
          Kekuatan atas teror yang dilakukan oleh mereka.
          Aku harus bertahan hidup.
          Hidup untuk mati dilain hari.


Wow! Hi everyone. Been a while, I guess. Sorry about that. I kinda wanted to give everyone an update as to where I'm at on this account and writing wise. Long story short, I went to and graduated college, work full-time, and have a lot going on. Some other things happened and I've decided to take up the task of rewriting one of my books. To be published. Officially. When the idea came into my head I didn't actually have that much trouble choosing which book I wanted to rewrite. It's gotta be Modern Magic. (I also want to apologize for the atrocity that is that original draft that I have posted on here.) It's under major revision from what it was with a sound story, flushed out characters, and some new surprises. The original first, of course, then the two sequels I had planned that happen side-by-side, and the final book that brings them all together. This obviously isn't going to happen overnight. I'm a good way through the first draft of the first book and that's taken a few months. I also intend on revamping and revising We Bleed Fire in between books for a little something different to keep me sane. Keep in mind all these plans depend on how well the first book goes. I will be sure to keep you all updated on the ongoing of this, but this is the bulk of the message. I do, also, want to warn you that, while the original isn't anything like what I'm writing now, I may have to remove the story when it officially gets published but I'm not sure how that'll go. Again, I apologize for going MIA for so long, but, more than anything I wanted to keep you all updated because this is where I started. I wouldn't be where I am right now without all of your love and support, so I really just wanted to say thank you and this isn't the end for me. I'll be back with more updates in the future and, again, thank you.


Where can we purchase Modern Magician, and what’s the new name ?