Welcome to this empty shell of what I used to be.
Just be glad you don't live in hell with me.
Enjoy your life and don't waste it
Because one day you'll look back and wonder where all the time went
So get off this phone and go play in the yard or something idk, I haven't been alive in a while
Welcome to this empty shell
This is a memory of what i used to be
This is the epitaph of Cosine,
Noticed by all, known by staff and yes members. Nothing is left, darkness is closing in, close my mouth and shut my eyes and say goodbye to life, a life that helped everyone else's brokenness with all it could.
Credit to my boy cosine, or basker as some call him. He’s one of my closest friends and I never asked if I was aloud to say this, I’m assuming he won’t care. Ngl I cried when I read this.