Sorry about that message bellow but continuing, please tell me why ya started fallowing me. It would bost my self esteem and make me work harder on what you guys like. This bi ;)
Hello I am a big fan I really like all of ur stories they are really great dope and awesome u should be an artist or a writer. U can be a nurse too u are such a nice personality u would be suited for that job well good luck on the finals
Sorry about that message bellow but continuing, please tell me why ya started fallowing me. It would bost my self esteem and make me work harder on what you guys like. This bi ;)
Ok @DReeeseCup. Oh and for you Devil Eyes fans I am going to visit the Cathedral today so yeah for you cause then I will continue with my story. And also fix things I already screwed up with it. I only saw pictures.
Hi guys, hope you like my stories and also sorry i procastinat with writing my stories. I'm a high schooler after all, i need some slack. Enjoy, and sorry. :)