awww, I just opened my wattpad account and found out that there are no private chats anymore. missin' a lot of people here! miss writing as well huhu

@Queenel_21 実は今週は仕事で忙しかったです。私も日本語を勉強しています(それほど良くありませんが)。 I’ve been actually busy this week at work. I have also been studying Japanese (though not that good).

@HN1kk0 Wattpad feels so empty, as if the community is dying. But perhaps things were meant to change. I actually want to write on another platform, but I don't know where... Also, I will be more busy in college huhu. But, how are you ate? I always love seeing your updates/announcements in my feed hehe, I also hope you're doing ok too!