If any of you are reading this, I just want to say thanks to all of you guys!
          	You all keep being great and comment all the time. And voting! (Idk why tho) I really appreciate it. Please stick with me and the schedule, I'm sorry that I keep changing it. All stories will be once a week for sure now. Thanks again guys! Love you all! ❤️❤️❤️


@RAWRAWRAWWW love you two xD and your welcome!


Hey you on? Imma be up all night I'm wide awake! So I didn't want to be lonley seeing the times you comment on stuff 3:46 or something am I tottaly never took a 3 hour nap! (Tottaly did) I was tired AND I DONT WANNA be lonley so plz say you are gonna be up all night to xD


 I'm sorry! Really! I've turned my wattpadd notifications off, so I didn't get this till I came on. 


I love your book the Player! I WANNA BE YO NOT ALONE BUDDY!!!!!


@BaileeHill7 :) I will read everyone's book but dey don't follow meh so Cri xD and I HURT MEHSELF it's in meh Randoms book so yeah? I dunno I'm not normal xD
            And normal people scare me xD


 Thank you! Not alone buddy ☺️


If any of you are reading this, I just want to say thanks to all of you guys!
          You all keep being great and comment all the time. And voting! (Idk why tho) I really appreciate it. Please stick with me and the schedule, I'm sorry that I keep changing it. All stories will be once a week for sure now. Thanks again guys! Love you all! ❤️❤️❤️


@RAWRAWRAWWW love you two xD and your welcome!