
Oh my God do you guys ever just look at stuff you've written and you're like what is this absolute garbage. Because that's how I feel about everything right now. 


Ah yes the good old why am I an author fml yes those are fun


Hello everyone! I've decided to finally delete This Is Why I Love You, mostly because I'm not going to update it, and I have no pull to finish it at all. The Kids Aren't Alright I WILL be finishing at one point or another, but TIWILY has gone goodbye. 


Okay seriously, I'm in Europe, and I'm editing my stories, and I have, oh, only 20 DRAFTS WHAT IS THIS 
          I look at some of these, and I'm just like. 
          What the hell are you. 
          But yeah. 
          I'm enjoying Europe. A lot. 
          I lost my cousins in a forest a couple days ago, but you know. 
          That's life. 


So I haven't updated in a long time, but I promise, updates will be coming soon! I'm writing right now, so I'm hoping to update a chapter of AatFK tomorrow or even today! Harmione is coming along slowly but surely. Thanks for waiting!


So, for right now, A Few Sick Kids and TIWILU are on hold, because I want to focus more on Harmione and AatFTW. Also, I want to update some of the stories I've had in my archives for months. So stay tuned for some writing action coming soon ;)


Hey guys! So recently I looked through my drafts, and I realized I have six novels that I've been writing over the past four or so months. And then I realized I have four books that are still ongoing :/ So, I will try to finish some of the books I already have out, and then I'll continue on with my novels that are in editing. (btw, most of the novels I'm writing are fanfiction, so there's that :) )
          Stay tuned for that! I'm expecting to put them up sometime in the next couple of months