
Alright, so. I have an alt account that I'll be focusing on for a while. The account name is Seven And Zavor's Lemonade Stand, but a better way to find it is by looking for it by @SevenElectricLemons. I'll try to update stuff more on this account, but I've lost nearly half the script of DB SR, so, I guess I will continue writing it at some point until I use up what's left of the script. After that, well, there's not much else I have to go off of. There will however be better and newly updated stories on this Alt account, so please be sure to check it out!


Alright, so. I have an alt account that I'll be focusing on for a while. The account name is Seven And Zavor's Lemonade Stand, but a better way to find it is by looking for it by @SevenElectricLemons. I'll try to update stuff more on this account, but I've lost nearly half the script of DB SR, so, I guess I will continue writing it at some point until I use up what's left of the script. After that, well, there's not much else I have to go off of. There will however be better and newly updated stories on this Alt account, so please be sure to check it out!


Gunna guess that you can no longer use Discord. And since Wattpad sucks at letting you chat with people we could use Quotev which had an easier chatting system


A'right coolio


@Mkay77 I found it, and I sent ya a message.


Does the link I sent you work? Cus I'm having a hard time finding you


Hey guys! Just a quick little announcement. I know its been a long while since I've updated any of my stories, up until just recently, and to that I apologize. I went to a bit of procrastination, and some writer's block. Anyway, I'm somewhat back in full swing, but before I continue the Dragon Ball story, for now, I'd like to work a little more on the Yin And Yang Splatoon story. Once I get a few chapters of that done, prepare for more installments for Dragon Ball Successor's Reborn!


Hey guys, it's been a long minute. I have a good explanation, but it's not too great. Things have been happening on my end, and Dragon Ball: SR will not be continued. However, I will try my hardest to wrap up the Hakitto Arc, but beyond that, Dragon Ball: SR will not be continued. For those of you who have questioned my absence, I assure you that I am alright. Perhaps, in the future, I will be able to pick back up Dragon Ball: SR, but until then, that's all for now. Thank you all for sticking with me.


Hey guys. Things haven't been going all too great on my end, so, for a good while, I will be suspending the progress of Dragon Ball: SR. It will be a very long time until that is updated, and it will not be updated until things are resolved on my end. However, "The Choice" will probably start being updated until I can get SR back up and running, but not by much.
          This also means that I will not be on certain media platforms for a while as well- or, at least, not effectively. This also means that special events- such as the Christmas event -will be canceled. Depending on how long this goes on for, other events might be canceled as well. I will update the special event schedule/goals accordingly. 
          I'm sorry for the inconvenience, and I hope you all understand. In the meantime, try sharing Dragon Ball: SR with others so that they can have a good experience like you all have reading the story, and to give them something to look forward to. I also hope you look forward to small updates on "The Choice", as I don't have to gather all the data necessary to update that.
          Thank you all again for sticking with Dragon Ball: SR.


Hey guys! Dragon Ball: SR has reached over 200 views! That means I will soon be posting a special story- that one being Rimitto and Nai's first encounter with Apale. As for the Thanksgiving special, I'm trying to find time to write it but I haven't been able to. So, you might get a late upload for that- hopefully you should get it before christmas. If you don't, then you might have to wait till next year. Finally, I'm going to try my hardest to use the rest of the week to upload at least 4 episodes of Dragon Ball: SR- including the scheduled one.
          You'll get:
          -A special story as an event
          -5 uploads to Dragon Ball: SR.
          -(Hopefully) A Thanksgiving Special.
          Thank you guys again for reading Dragon Ball: SR!


Hello guys, I am back (Somewhat) and I will now start updating regularly again. Episode 8 will be released this Thursday, at the time of sending this message. As for the special thanksgiving episode, it will mostly be released this thanksgiving weekend, or sometime during December as it requires further advancement within the story. If the special thanksgiving episode is not released either at those times, then it will be released once I get to that specific time in the story. I am sorry if a delay occurs, and I hope you understand.