Hello, I'm Cevakai, a thirteen-year-old bisexual girl. I'll be doing some LGBT stories, miscellaneous things. Star Wars, Steven Universe, and The Beatles will definitely be on my list. Probably just fanfictions, I will be writing (hehe Yoda) but maybe I'll do a blog of some sorts...I'll try to make my boring life sound as interesting as possible to you guys. 

And I just got back into manga/anime, so I'll be writing about them, too. Fullmetal Alchemist, Bleach, One Piece, Dragonball, Sword Art Online, Tokyo Ghoul, Diabolik Lovers, Vampire Knight, Sailor Moon, and Pokemon will be among those. Soooo...yea ^^

Oh, and I forgot about YouTubers!!! I'll DEFINITELY write stories about them. Well, I think that's all for now. I'll maybe update this page when I find something more to say, but for now, be content that I actually wrote ANYTHING.

Bee tee dubs, the link below is my YouTube channel, which is also called Cevakai. Well, I've GTG but I'll TTYL SK8R (even if you're not a skater, which I'm perfectly fine with. I'm not one either, but I would like to be )!
  • Aincrad
  • InscritApril 4, 2016

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Ripwire Ripwire May 17, 2016 02:44AM
Hey guys! I just posted the first part to my first story EVAH! Hope you dudes enjoy, I'll add another longer part tomorrow, hopefully xD-Kai
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Histoire par Cevakai
Be My Valentine par Ripwire
Be My Valentine
It's that time of the year again. February 14. Valentine's Day, or the Worst Day Ever. Never in my life have...
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