
Hope everyone had a great christmas today & got all that they wished/asked/hoped for too. *hugs*


How's everyone doing? Hope great! *smile* me; can't sleep...our mama kitty & her daughter are both in heat *grumble,grumble* and drivin' me batty atm. *sigh* tryin' to save money so we can get them fixed as well as the two boys who are the son's/brothers of our girls but right now some things are just more important...like paying the mortgage bill,electricity,phone & FOOD *of course*. Wishin' we were closer to Houston so the Mobile Vet clinic that does free spay/neuter's & shots could help us; however I love country life to much ta' do big city life again!! *grin*
            Hope y'all have a great day/week! *hugs*


@WolfDancer I know and it makes me wonder just what society as a whole is turning into and honestly; that just scares the heck outa me.
          Lol my daughter & I are layin' in my room laughing at our almost 8mo kitten & her mom. They are on my husbands dresser and the kitten was stretched out in pure bliss as her mom just sat there and groomed her...any time she'd pause to do her own feet & face her daughter would stretch out furthor and reach out to her mom as if begging her to continue. She's like a total pittiful lil' girl when it comes to her mom. She cries if she & her mom are seperated even if just a few moments. Lol.


@WolfDancer Your most welcome! Can't wait to read more *smile* Between worrying about Abigail (author of dinner w/a vampire..) and enjoying many other fantastic young authors on here; plenty of good stories to keep me busy till she's able to get back on her "feet" literally & figurativly and post uploades again. Some of those people are just flat out Brats in the way they are acting & refusing to delve furthor down the posts to learn what's going on. Others just want her life story..just like the way they think they deserve to know every move,action etc that actor's,musicians; and published authors make. Her life is no more an open public book than that of any one who's famous and desires their privacy. Many of the comments made on both her books profile page and her wattpad page make me question both the age of; and mental maturity of those reading her book in the first place. My 15 yr old daughter is more mature & patient than some who claim they are college age or older and to me..that's just sad! *proud of my daughter but ashamed that what I say is true too..makes me question how they were raised ya' know?*


@RisaBenedict Their biased, haha.  Kidding, I know it is :)  I don't mind getting rejected.  I just don't put myself out there to be rejected.  Now, if I planned on making a career out of writing, or this is something I honestly wanted to do with my life, then I would put myself out there... But I don't plan on doing this forever.  My english teacher definitely doesn't have time to look at my work, haha.  She's an awesome woman, but with all the students she has, not going to happen :)


@shelbylw03 girl, you get input from your readers every day! That's just as good as a published author's input. You should think about it sometime and take that leap of faith. As my grandad used to say; you'll get hundreds of rejected letters but if your persistant; one day you'll get that letter that say's interesting idea; not what we are looking for at the moment, but keep working at it. That's when you know they finally actually read it and that's when you've got a "foot" in the door to try again with other publishing companies. Get your english teacher to go over your stories with you sometime too. A good critical eye who can point out your spelling & punctuation errors will also help you get furthor too. 


@AstonOli43va lol well Duh I was saying that to shelby. *lol*. Eeh I'll think about it. *smile*. Though I'm accessing this by my phone; not my computer *laugh* still; maybe...just have to make darn sure my stories aren't "stolen/copied" ya' know? That's the biggest fear that someone will just copy my story; change a couple words/names etc & then say that its theirs. Still, I'll consider it. 
          Hey btw any word on your friend Aston luv? If you've been on her book page lately, the "natives" they be gettin' restless & whiney *sigh* I've tried getting them to see reason but I get the feeling either they don't read the previous post made; or just don't care due to lack of maturity. *shrug* hope she's doing ok.