
Hi all,
          	Long time no write lol. Its actaully not funny but to make up for that I have posted a new chapter for DI. 
          	If interested please check it out. 
          	Thank you my loves xx


          	  bro u got the best books


Hellouuuur helloiiiiiiiiiir,
           I would first like to congratulate Roseee and give her the credit for having livened up our sleepless nights, Thank youiiiiii
           I see that everyone introduces the fruit of their imagination here so why not do the same?
           I invite you to take a look at my story, you can see the tags, read the description and the foreword first to see if you really want to give this story a chance.
           Otherwise it would be perfectly understandable and I thank you for taking the time to read this comment, kiss kiss.


So sorry for coming in like this and posting without permission.
          I'm a new writer and I would love your support.
           ** LOVE FOR HIRE **
          Isabelle's freedom is jeopardized as an accidental encounter with Ethan Blake, one of the city's wealthiest men, spirals out of control.
          Ethan intends to use her for his own scheme as retaliation for what she had done to his property.
          As she was about to enter the room, Ethan yanked her shoulders back, forcing her to face him.
          "What was that?" he asked, furious at her inability to answer a basic question. If you blow this thing up for me...
          "What Ethan?" She interrupted, "What will happen if I blow this up?" Isabelle inquired, her face flushed with rage. 
          She had had enough of his tormenting; yes, she had done something wrong, but it was a mistake, and for that she had apologized. He even had her locked up before forcing her to come here to play his game, but she would no longer cave to his threats and bullying. She had taken his attitude for far too long because she felt bad for herself, but not any more; her honor as a woman was at stake if she continued to allow him to treat her anyhow.
          "Don't push me, woman, or there will be consequences," he barked as he roughly grabbed her hand to keep her from walking out on him.
          "Let go of my hand, Ethan; you're hurting me!" she screamed, her hand throbbing from his firm grip.
          "And if I don't, what will you do?" Ethan demanded.
          Wanna know more? Well, dive in!


Attention to all wattpad readers that see this message. There is someone that goes by the user name, BilitAnant, and all the stories on his profile are ones that he stole from real talented writers. I mean he literally copy pasted other people's work and posted it on his profile while trying to pass it off as his own.
          And when people called him out on his plagiarism and how he crossed a line, he literally said that he didn't cared. And here's the proof, a tweet from one of writers that BilitAnant stole from.

          So, if you see any of BilitAnant's knock off stories, ignore them and his profile completely. 
          And Please, spread the word about BilitAnant and his plagiarism by copying and pasting this entire message and reposting it on your profiles for all your followers to see and so they can repost it as well. And please also repost it on the profiles you yourself follow so they can do the same.


Hey guys, 
          I recently uploaded my new book called " The Escapade" which is a thrilling adventure that follows the journey of a group of college friends who find themselves thrust into a high-stakes quest for survival and redemption. Set against a backdrop of exotic locations, the story weaves together elements of mystery, action, and personal transformation.
          Please check it out and comments your thoughts about it, I will try to upload 2 chapters every week.
          Warm thanks,
          Sakhi Nagar/SwevenWritez


Hello! I wrote a book about Vampire...If you are interested then please check it out and leave a vote it would really help me. It's the first ever book I wrote so I am really looking forward to your opinion!

          And I don't know if I am allowed to promote here or not so please feel free to ignore my messege if it's disturbing. Thanks for reading it anyway. I appreciate it!!!