
New account finally!!
          	The username of it is @Mx_Sebastian


child i am alive
          alive and dying at the same time
          so how have you been? 


@ 54NT4N1C_FL0W3R  I am okay-  and no thanks, it's a stupid reason anyways-! :]


@S1r_Kas__ that’s good! :) (the alright part)
            are you ok? do you wanna talk about it? we don’t have to if you don’t want to. just wanted to make sure you’re ok!


@ 54NT4N1C_FL0W3R  that's good! (The alive part-)
            I'm alright, really anxious but alright-


Probably won't be online on this much- anymore causa um pretty much loosing all of my motivation
          I probably also Will create another account on my New phone, or maybe not, who knows, if i do create a New acc i'll make sure to tell the name of it or just tell who i feel like needs to know (my online family and friends, probably)


            okey love you <3 /p


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best time to get sick
          I have school tomorrow and this shit called the flu (but Idfk how many times worse) got to me today
          I hate it because it makes my entire body hurt, gave me a headache, sneezing, my temperature is fucked and my body feels heavy asf, 0/10


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I physically can't be online on wattpad that much anymore, idk why but i just can't for some reason, so i'm sorry if i can't answer sometimes-
          Mental health is pretty shit atm but i'm getting better (barely)


I hate math
          This is só confusing and there isn't even letters in it yet- like, How tf am i going to remember that if it's not the same "thingy" (- and +) it's subtraction- i mean, it's getting kinda easy, but like, three digits-? I'm too dumb to remember if i subtracted it correctly
          At least i'm getting a blue note(?) in my exams (5, 6, 7, etc) which is 7, mostly-?


Hello again! My mental health still isn't much better but it's slightly better than it was before! I will be trying to update some of my fanfics and maybe write some more but i'm not too sure about that- 
          Also, not too important but my birthday will be in two months! ( January, 22nd ) anyways- that was all i wanted to say!


            :0 yey i need to find a way to do something for your birthday!


Hello!! It's been a while if i'm being honest! I'm just here to say that i most likely won't be online 2 often! (on wattpad) i will probably be taking a small break (but also not really?) From some stuff for now due to my mental health getting a bit worse now! And also because i don't have enough time because of home work or just school in general! I'm trying to make my grades get better (and it's Def workin'! I got a few 9s and 10s on my tests!!)
          I hope you all are doing okay! I hope whoever (and everyone who doesn't) see this have a amazing day/afternoon/night!!<33 


            ok- just know that i'm normally here if you need to vent/talk  i hope you feel better, and good jobe on your tests!!! sorry that was all pretty scrambled up- LOVE YOU!!!! <3 /p