Apologies for the lack of updates the last week.
It has just been a bit hectic with everything I had to sort out in person.
Once I have a bit more time again, I will get back to updating and posting again.
Apologies for the lack of updates the last week.
It has just been a bit hectic with everything I had to sort out in person.
Once I have a bit more time again, I will get back to updating and posting again.
I just saw that my collection has reached #60 rank in poetry. I know the ranking system is a bit weird on Wattpad, but I would like to thank everyone for the support on the collection. It means alot.
I think for a fact we share that testament, cause I found a beauty in your writing.
I look forward to reading ever so more and watching you grow, on worded wings you'd soar.
If you are passing through and I resonated with you, feel free to leave your mark on this wall, leave a comment, your work, art or nothing at all.
I want to see what the world has in store,
I want to see what else there is more!