
Woke up to a ton of notifs haha. Hi everyone! Finally got this account back. 


Hello, everyone! Sorry for the lack of updates. I've recently found my first ever job and I'm getting into the neck of things. Updates will be coming in hot once I get used to the office life but for now, know that I am still writing and thank you for being patient. <3


@SamuelStormbringer I hope all is well. You are quite talented. I hope you get the chance to write more. For now, make sure you also take care of yourself and try to take time to relax. Changes in life can be stressful. I wish you luck on your new chapters of your life.


Hello, what's up, everyone? Mabuhay. ~<3
          I've not been writing a ton, life is hectic and depressing at the moment, but the next two chapters for "Proven Heart" are up to be published and I'm so excited for y'alls to read them! 


            I'm recovering from a torn rotator cuff surgery. I'm glad that you are still writing! 


Are you on radio silence? No more updates, just leave us all hanging?
          At least a note?


            You could tie in so much as to the spying behind the scenes, between Grandfather, Uncle, How they were raised, His Abuse, Forced To Impregnate, Manipulation, Love Fir Cousins, Angst and anger related to Whole mate clusterfvck of cousins/mates, His invite work for Nathaniel...I could go on


@Tink4me I don't think it'll be worth publishing a different book for Francis’s side story because I'm planning for it to have 8-10 chapters only but maybe I should actually consider that, hihi. 


@Tink4me how can you update A wolf's tear after completion?
            A second epiloge??
            Francis deserves his own book. Well, technically each couple deserve their own book the a book with the Remington brothers


Hello, everyone! Sorry I've been on a hiatus. I've written the next two chapters but I'm not confident with the way I wrote it. It feels like things need to change but I still want it to be explosive and entertaining!
          I don't know when it will come out but it will, lol. I'm just having a major case of writer's block. :-(
          Thank you all for being with me!